The First Steps

Demon Castle Bloodstained Night landed on android with a pretty large thud, right now the game hovers around 500-600 downloads and that's about it.  I'm getting about 10 downloads a day with the occasional spike.  It's kind of crappy for a completely free game honestly.  But, it's time to soldier onto the sequel.

So, a sequel is essentially more of the same, correct?  Well, that only works if you've hit the nail on the head the first time.  In a way, some parts of DCBN hit pretty well.  The blood column riding was fun!  The gameplay felt good to me.  But I'm not the audience, and the audience has spoken.  Here are some of the major complaints I've come across.

1. The graphics - This is absolutely justified, I'm not an artist and never have been.  I essentially push pixels around until I get something that looks good.  My animation skills are also terrible.  I'm trying to get better, but there's an artistic base that I lack.  So essentially, I will try to do better.

2. Instant Deaths - I went a little crazy with instant deaths in World 3.  It absolutely hurt the final product.  Something I'm going to avoid in this sequel.

3.  Useless sub-weapons. - Yeah, these were largely useless outside of letting you toast through a few bosses pretty quickly.

4. Slow gameplay - This was a conscious choice on my part, I thought it would help compensate for the nature of touch screen controls, some players felt that it was too slow, and the jumps were too "floaty".  I'm going to reign that in.

That covers the basics of the negative comments received on the original game.  Next devlog, I'll dive into some of what I'm doing to address these concerns! 

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